Our Pro Bono Policy
At Nomos, we consider pro bono work to be a fundamental responsibility of legal professionals. We have a strong commitment to providing pro bono services to clients who otherwise would not be able to afford legal assistance.
Our pro bono program is all about providing reliable legal services and access to justice for the financially disadvantaged who cannot obtain Legal Aid.
What is Pro Bono?
When we refer to pro bono legal work, we mean legal advice and/or representation provided by the solicitors of our firm to individuals, families, charities, community groups and organisations who cannot afford to pay for such legal advice or representation and where public funding is not available.
Who is eligible for Pro Bono assistance?
Generally, we consider taking on pro bono clients who are referred to us by the Immigration Advice and Rights Centre or Women’s Community Shelters. Where other cases come to our attention, we consider these clients on a case by case basis.
The following circumstances may mean you are eligible for pro bono assistance:
- Vulnerabilities including those who are at immediate risk of harm, subject to family violence or underage
- Financial hardship
- Limited support networks in Australia
- If your case has significant public interest implications
We do ask all our pro bono clients to consent to their stories (deidentified appropriately) being used to help contribute to the growing Nomos story.
Our obligations
As a law firm, we are required to provide reliable legal services to the same standard as commercial work to pro bono clients.
Nomos undertakes pro bono work on an entirely voluntary basis and we are under no obligation to accept any pro bono matter regardless of the circumstances involved in said matter.
When considering an application for pro bono assistance, we take into account a number of factors including our firm’s capacity at the time, the nature of the matter and whether or not we have any other pro bono matters on foot at the time. We are not obliged to disclose the reason or reasons behind our inability or refusal to provide pro bono assistance.
Decisions regarding whether or not our firm takes on a pro bono matter are entirely at the discretion of the Nomos Directors.
We aim to provide a decision with regards to our ability to provide pro bono assistance within 7 days of receiving a completed application, assuming that the applicant has provided a sufficient amount of information for our assessment.
Where we decide against taking on a pro bono matter, this cannot be appealed.
We do not commence work on any pro bono matter until a Costs Agreement has been prepared, sent to a client and returned with all required signatures present. A client must be provided a Costs Agreement even when there are no anticipated professional fees involved so they understand what we would usually charge for the work involved in their case as well as have a clear understanding of our terms & conditions for pro bono cases.
To make an application for pro bono assistance, please fill out our application for pro bono assistance and our Office Manager will be in contact.
Other resources available for legal Assistance
If Nomos is unable to assist you in your matter, or if you wish to explore other options that may be available to you, you can seek out organisations such as Legal Aid or Community Legal Centres.
Legal Aid contact details:
- NSW or 1300 888 529
- VIC or 1300 792 387
- QLD or 1300 792 387
- NT or 1800 019 343
- WA or 1300 650 579
- TAS or 1300 366 611
Legal Services Commission of SA:
- SA or 1300 366 424
Community Legal Centres:
You can find your local Community Centre using the online directory or you can call the National Association of Community Legal Centres for assistance on 02 9261 9595.